Our adjustment to a normal and loving family life took several years. Initially we kept aloof of our parents and had difficulty with parental authority.

Slowly, we managed to learn the German language anew, as it continued to be the only language in which our parents could communicate.

Our teachers and French friends were delighted at our return and life slowly returned to normal.

Father, with his very limited French, had the courage to call on the Director of the Collège "Honoré de Balzac," in nearby Issoudun. Despite the years of schooling I had missed and the fact that the school year had already been underway for several months, he asked that I be admitted.

As the professor of German, Mr. Joly translated, Mr. Moreau listened patiently.

Ernest and Alfred
Ernest and Alfred, 1945

After a heartbeat of reflection, he had Mr. Joly answer, in perfect German: "Aber Herr Moritz," said he, "das ist doch eine Sache der Selbstverständlichkeit." ("But Mr. Moritz, this is something that goes without saying.")

So, it was settled.

Both Alfred and Ernest attended this secondary school for five years and ultimately obtained their university degrees in the United States.